Fire alarm systems warn people that when smoke, fire, carbon dioxide or other similar fire-related emergencies are detected, they will automatically respond in a timely manner through smoke and heat detectors, including: alarms and fire brigades. In the upper part, which prevents the occurrence of fire). Fire alarms are considered to be the most important purchase in your building because during a fire, fire smoke starts to spread very quickly while, the smoke detector guarantees early warning to quickly evacuate people and save infrastructure. Fire alarm devices can be connected to each other by both wires and radio signals. The most popular today is the wireless fire alarm system due to the fact that in order to install this equipment you do not need to place cables, cut ceilings and walls, etc. Innotech offers the best option for designing your fire systems, feel safe with us.


სახანძროს კაბელი

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SKU: J-Y(st)Y…Lg 1X2X0,80mm+0,40 mm

Fire alarm system cable, 0.80mm, messenger

სახანძრო სიგნალიზაციის კაბელი

Detector Base Senso IRIS B124

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SKU: SensoMAG B24
Detector Base Senso IRIS B124 Description Compatible with alarm panels alarm state current up to 15 mA   Wire Gauge

Optical smoke detector unipos FD8030

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SKU: FD8030
The optical smoke fire detector provides a reliable early warning of a fire condition that responds to a fixed threshold of smoke detected in the protected building.

Smoke Detector

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SKU: SensoMAG S30
Smoke detector

ტემპერატურის მატების დეტექტორი

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SKU: SensoMAG R20
აღწერა Detects temperatures above 58°C or rapid change in temperature for a period of time, class A1/R Digital process algorithm

სახანძრო განგაშის ხილაკი

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აღწერა Description Surface mounting Resettable flexible element LED indication Special tool for resetting after alarm event Optional protective plastic cover

შიდა სახანძრო სირენა სტრობით

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SKU: SF 50
აღწერა Description Piezo sounder Sound output – 105 dB LED strobe Plastic case   Operating Voltage Range 16-30VDC Consumption 80mA


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12V 7A


Alarm Button

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Non Addressable Fire Alarm Button

ხელის საგანგაშო ღილაკი

Alarm Siren

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Non Addressable Fire Alarm Siren

სირენა სტრობ სანათით

კომბინირებული დეტექტორი

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SKU: SensoMAG M40
აღწერა Auto temperature compensation Digital process algorithm Low profile design LED indication with 360° visibility Sensor status indication on every

Addressable Smoke Detector

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SKU: SensoIRIS S130

SensoIRIS S130

SensoIRIS S130 is аn addressable optical-smoke detector designed for installation in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol. The detector is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol.

The detector SensoIRIS S130 is compatible with fire base B124.SensoIRIS S130 comes with lifetime warranty!

Addressable Heat Detector

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SKU: SensoIRIS T110

SensoIRIS T110

SensoIRIS T110 is аn addressable heat detector designed for installation in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol.The detector is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol.The detector SensoIRIS T110 is compatible with fire base B124.SensoIRIS T110 comes with lifetime warranty!

Manual Call Point

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SensoIRIS MCP150

SensoIRIS MCP150, is a manual call point with built-in isolator module, designed for installation in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol.The detector is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol.SensoIRIS MCP150 is LPCB Certified!

Addressable Smoke Detector (Black)

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SKU: SensoIRIS S140 IS Black

SensoIRIS S130

SensoIRIS S130 is аn addressable optical-smoke detector designed for installation in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol. The detector is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol.

The detector SensoIRIS S130 is compatible with fire base B124.SensoIRIS S130 comes with lifetime warranty!

Addressable Siren Strobe

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SensoIRIS WS IS is аn addressable Wall Mount Sounder and Strobe, with built-in isolator, designed for installing in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol.

The device is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol. SensoIRIS WS IS is compatible with bases B124 for ceiling or wall mounting and WSB IP65 for wall mounting.EN54-3 and EN54-17 compliant.

Fire control panel FS4000/2

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SKU: FS4000/2
Fire protection panel FS4000 is designed to work with conventional automatic fire detectors and manual call points. The panel has an output provided for external executive devices.

Fire control panel FS4000/4

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SKU: 01255
Fire protection panel FS4000 is designed to work with conventional automatic fire detectors and manual call points. The panel has an output provided for external executive devices.

არასამისამართო სახანძრო პანელი, 4 ზონიანი

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აღწერა 4 fully monitored fire zones with up to 32 fire alarm detectors and unlimited number of call points 2

არასამისამართო სახანძრო პანელი, 8 ზონიანი

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აღწერა 8 fully monitored fire zones with up to 32 fire alarm detectors and unlimited number of call points per zone

Fire Alarm Control Panel SIMPO

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is the perfect solution for smaller addressable installations. The addressable panel supports up to two loops with coverage of 48 zones. 250 devices operating on Teletek Electronics communication protocol could be connected to each loop. System status is visualized via LCD display and LED indication. Up to 64 Simpo panels can be connected in RS485 redundant network or Ethernet network. Direct programming with ProsTE software is available. The panel comes in a metal casing with a multilingual LCD display and front foil for easier customization.

Fire Alarm Control Panel (4 zones)

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RIS PRO is an addressable fire alarm panel with 1 to 4 loops and maximum coverage of 96 zones. Up to 250 devices can be connected to every system loop.The information for the system status is visualized on sensitive graphic display and LED indication for zones and troubles. With special “2 steps of alarm level” working algorithm the false alarms are effectively minimized. The panel has a comprehensive day/night mode facility.IRIS PRO supports two communication protocols: Teletek Electronics (IRIS TTE loop) and System Sensor series (IRIS SS loop) according to the type of devices used. In the configuration of the IRIS PRO panel, both TTE and SS Loops can be implemented at the same time.Up to 64 IRIS PRO panels can be connected in Ethernet network or RS485 redundant network.The control panel is placed in metal box with simple and clear design. The access to the control panel PCB is protected with a key. The metal box is suitable for building up modular structures with IRIS PS72 and IRIS Printer as all of the cable connections to the IRIS PRO panel remain hidden and secure.Direct programming with ProsTE software is available.