Addressable Heat Detector

SensoIRIS T110

SensoIRIS T110 is аn addressable heat detector designed for installation in addressable fire alarm systems supporting TTE communication protocol.

The detector is powered on from the panel and can be controlled via the communication protocol.

The detector SensoIRIS T110 is compatible with fire base B124.

SensoIRIS T110 comes with lifetime warranty!

SKU: SensoIRIS T110


გადახდის მეთოდები:

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  • Can work as a fixed temperature or rate of rise detector
  • Class selctable from the control panel – A1R, A2S, BS
  • Low profile desing
  • LED indication with 360° visibility
  • EN54-5 Certified
  • Version with built-in isolator – SensoIRIS T110 IS


Operating Voltage Range15-32VDC (Nom. 27VDC)
Consumption in quiescent state, no communication< 130μA@27VDC
Consumption in quiescent state, with communication< 180μA@27VDC
Consumption in alarm state, with communication6.5mA
Output in alarm state at terminal RI (terminals 4/ 1)7.5 mA (max)/ 7.5V
Wire Gauge for terminals0.4mm² – 2.0mm²
Operating temperature-10°C to +65°C
Weight (including base)~110g
Dimensions (including base)103x42mm

Product Attributes

